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The three step to more justice, peace and protection of creation

The events of this summer, such as extreme heat waves, devastating forest fires and floods, have not only highlighted the urgency of environmental protection. Wars, social unrest and conflicts remind us with terrible timeliness of the need for peace and justice. All that is happening around us shows us that a higher commitment to justice, peace and environmental protection is essential to address the current crises and build a sustainable future. The three-step of action, contemplation and mission is a particularly holistic approach to participating in the creation of a future worth living.

Climate change is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges of our time. It not only affects the environment, but also has far-reaching implications for social injustice and can even lead to conflict and war. In the context of the Christian faith, this context reminds us of our responsibility for creation and the need to stand up for justice and peace.

Climate change is primarily the result of human activity, particularly the excessive use of fossil fuels and the destruction of ecosystems. However, the consequences are unevenly distributed. Poorer communities, which have often contributed the least to climate change, are the hardest hit. Droughts, floods, and sea-level rise threaten their livelihoods and lead to food shortages, water scarcity, and migration.

This imbalance leads to social injustice. People who have contributed least to the climate crisis bear the heaviest burden. This reminds us of the Christian commandment to love our neighbor. In the Bible, Jesus exhorts us to advocate for the needs of the poor and oppressed. In the face of climate change, this means advocating for those who are most affected and supporting measures to reduce climate impacts.

Climate change, species extinction, and other forms of destruction can easily become triggers for conflict and war. Resource scarcity due to droughts or floods can exacerbate tensions between communities and nations. Access to water and land become contested resources that can trigger conflict. Christian teaching values peace and teaches how to resolve conflicts peacefully. Climate change reminds us of the importance of working together to find solutions to prevent conflict and keep the peace.

Pope Francis has emphasized the connection between climate change, injustice and peace in his encyclical "Laudato si'". He calls for protecting the environment and promoting justice for the poor. He emphasizes the responsibility of each individual, but also the responsibility of nations and the international community to take action against climate change.

Overall, the connection between climate change, injustice and war shows the urgency with which we must act. In the Christian faith, this connection reminds us that we are stewards of creation and must work for justice and peace. By supporting action to combat climate change, advocating for the needs of the disadvantaged, and resolving conflicts peacefully, we can fulfill our Christian responsibility to create a more sustainable and just world.

Action, contemplation and mission

The three-step of action, contemplation, and mission is a particularly profound and spiritually inspired approach to advocating for greater justice, peace, and the protection of creation because it promotes a holistic and sustainable approach:

Aktion: Aktion steht für praktisches Handeln. Es bedeutet, aktiv Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um soziale Ungerechtigkeiten zu bekämpfen, den Frieden zu fördern und die Umwelt zu schützen. Aktion ist die direkte Umsetzung der Werte und Prinzipien, die man unterstützt. Sie kann darin bestehen, Bedürftigen zu helfen, für politische Veränderungen zu kämpfen oder nachhaltige Lebensweisen anzunehmen.

Kontemplation: Die Kontemplation in der christlichen Tradition ist eine spirituelle Praxis der stillen Reflexion, des Gebets und der tiefen Verbindung mit Gott. Sie ermöglicht Gläubigen, Gottes Gegenwart zu erleben, spirituelle Einsichten zu gewinnen und die eigene Beziehung zu Gott zu vertiefen. Kontemplation fördert inneren Frieden, spirituelles Wachstum und die Ausrichtung auf christliche Werte wie Liebe, Mitgefühl und Nächstenliebe. Diese Tiefenreflexion ermöglicht es, die eigene Verbindung zu den Werten von Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Schöpfung zu vertiefen und die eigene Motivation für Aktionen zu stärken.

Mission: Mission bedeutet, die Erkenntnisse aus der Kontemplation und Aktion in die Welt zu tragen. Aktives Tun inspiriert andere Menschen, sich auch einzubringen und mitzugestalten. Nach der Reflexion über die eigenen Handlungen und Werte ist es wichtig, die Botschaft der Gerechtigkeit, des Friedens und des Umweltschutzes in die Gemeinschaft zu tragen und andere zu inspirieren, sich ebenfalls zu engagieren. Mission ist eine aktive Verbreitung der Botschaft und ein Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Bewegung für eine bessere Welt.

Action, contemplation and mission; this three-step approach creates a Christian-inspired , balanced and sustainable approach that ensures that our commitment to justice, peace and the protection of creation is not merely superficial, but is deeply rooted in our convictions and has an impact on society. Action without contemplation can be superficial, while contemplation without action remains ineffective. Mission gives meaning and reach to our work. Together, these steps form a cyclical process that helps create long-term change and shape a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world. Christians for Future creates a framework for this holistic form of Christian engagement for justice, peace and the protection of creation. Be inspired and join us too! The coming fall offers a number of opportunities to make Christian commitment effective. Click here for an overview of events in the coming weeks:

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