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schoepfungsverantwortung-christians for future

"To put into practice the vocation of being protectors of the work of God belongs essentially to a virtuous life; it is not something optional, nor a secondary aspect of the Christian experience."

(Pope Francis, LS, 217)

There is little doubt that the growth model of expansive modernity that guides our actions is neither ecologically nor socially sustainable. Despite - and often because of - its many achievements, humanity has for decades been heading toward an ecosocial disaster with its eyes wide open. Creation in its entirety - and thus also the life of future generations - is massively threatened by this. 


CHRISTIANS FOR FUTURE The contribution of Christian spirituality is to overcome the paradigm of Faster-Higher-More from within by a cultural and spiritual revolution of sustainability. As Christians, we see in our children and grandchildren a gift from God and recognize our responsibility to leave them a dignified world worth living in. Christian spirituality should not serve an end in itself, but have a tangible impact on the world. 


CHRISTIANS FOR FUTURE therefore stands for

  • lived Christian spirituality (Kontemplation),

  • active socio-ecological commitment (Action) and

  • the effort to follow Christ authentically (Mission).


In this way, C4F not only opens up a broad radius of action for active participation in processes of change and renewal. CHRISTIANS FOR FUTURE C4F builds a foundation for developing as a Christian movement into a driving force for real improvements.

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At CHRISTIANS FOR FUTURE is primarily about the motivations that arise from spirituality to awaken a passion for the protection of creation, for justice and for peace. Prayer and meditation lead to aletting oneself be penetrated by the incomprehensible, as is also known in other religious traditions. Contemplation an integral part of Christianity, comparable to Zen, which originates in Buddhism. Through the encounter with the divine, man experiences his true ground, his identity and the deeper meaning of his life. Self-knowledge and the knowledge of God belong inseparably together. Only in this way can we become one with the cosmos, of which we are ultimately a part. 


Meet God

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communities of practice


Engage ecosocially

CHRISTIANS FOR FUTURE does not want to get stuck in an abstract and inconsequential discussion of the causes and effects of misguided developments. As a dynamic movement, we will prepare the seeds for impact-oriented projects and actively initiate and accompany transformation processes. To do this, we need communities of learning, innovation and development. Our Communities of Practice initiate, accompany and support projects that use Christ consciousness as a driver for socio-ecological transformation. 

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The Gospel is an unequivocal call to make the world and life more beautiful and better. Christian spirituality integrates our life and work into a larger horizon. Therefore, we are also called as individuals to a spiritual and sustainable way of life. As messengers, we are identical with our message. An authentic way of spiritual and sustainable living is - consistently thought through to the end - not only the basis for the protection of human life. It is also the basis for successful involvement in political, economic or civil society processes. A spiritual and sustainable lifestyle are, in a sense, the passport to the "supreme discipline" of being a Christian: authentic discipleship of Christ and missionary discipleship in the context of today.


Follow authentically

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